

03 Dec 2021


At École Jacques Prévert, the physical and emotional well-being of our children is a priority. We nurture and educate our pupils to help them develop the knowledge, understanding, and skills needed to live happy, healthy, and successful lives, now and in the future. We promote our pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development across different aspects of the curriculum.


Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a crucial part of a child’s learning journey. It provides children with critical information about themselves and the diverse world around them.
At École Jacques Prévert, we offer a specifically tailored curriculum that is broad, balanced, and meets the unique context of our school. Central to this is the encouragement of respect and understanding of the universal rights of the child, as articulated in the UNCRC.
We aim to promote children’s knowledge, self-esteem, emotional well-being, and resilience, helping them form and maintain worthwhile and positive relationships. Children are taught to respect themselves and others within our local, national, and global communities.
We strive to develop key character skills, including decision making, informed risk-taking, effective communication, and self-regulation strategies.
We encourage the exploration of, and respect for, values held by different cultures and groups within our local community and promote the development of positive attitudes.
We foster honesty and respect in all relationships, nurturing sensitivity to the needs and feelings of others. We aim to deepen children’s knowledge of their health and well-being, including mental and physical health.
We aim to equip children and young people with the information, skills, and values to understand and cope with the physical and emotional changes that occur during puberty. The information provided is relevant and appropriate to the age and maturity of pupils.
At École Jacques Prévert, we prepare pupils for adult life: its decisions, responsibilities, experiences, and opportunities, enabling them to develop fully as emotionally mature individuals.


PSHE is taught through a range of implicit and explicit learning opportunities embedded throughout the curriculum. PSHE learning objectives are covered during weekly sessions using resources from ‘Kapow’ and the PSHE Association, along with carefully chosen materials from other organisations such as St. John’s Ambulance and NSPCC. All resources are mapped to ensure a tailored, spiral curriculum with full coverage of statutory PSHE objectives in EY, KS1 and KS2.
PSHE is taught alongside EMC (the French curriculum Education Morale et Civique) by class teachers and the DSL who know the children well and can be trusted to tackle these important topics effectively. Various strategies are used to teach PSHE, including circle time, book reading, games, whole-class discussions, small group work, and paired activities.
PSHE objectives are integrated into other curriculum subjects, such as Religion and Worldview, Computing, Science, and Physical Education (PE). For example, children learn about religious diversity, online safety, and maintaining healthy bodies. In addition, PSHE content is reinforced through whole-school events such as assemblies, enrichment days, and charity days, as well as through our School Council, Eco-Delegates, Canteen Committee.
At École Jacques Prévert, the PSHE curriculum also links to British Values: Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance, and Individual Liberty, as well as the nine protected characteristics of the Equality Act, including disability, race, sex, and religion or belief. Throughout the school, emotional regulation is explained and taught, in Early Years we work on emotions using the Zones of Regulation and associated strategies and tools.
The PSHE curriculum evolves constantly to be responsive to the needs of today’s pupils, preparing them to deal with local issues such as childhood obesity, dental health, and other concerns. We want our pupils to be prepared for life’s challenges. Through learning about health and well-being, relationships, and living in a diverse world, children develop skills in a safe environment, enabling them to grow into confident, caring, and respectful members of our community.


The impact of a good PSHE education cannot be understated. It forms the foundation for adult life, enabling a child to understand and face the challenges, complexities, and questions that arise in a diverse world.
At École Jacques Prévert, we recognize the impact of our curriculum in several ways. We celebrate the child’s voice and their individual experiences of PSHE education. Pupil voice and work in individual books are central to measuring the impact of our teaching. The impact is also evident in the personal and social skills that children develop, including:
  • An understanding of our diverse and complex world, and empathy and respect for the rights of all individuals.
  • Positive and constructive communication, both face-to-face and online.
  • Resilience and self-regulation, with a keen understanding of their own health and well-being, particularly supporting their mental and emotional development.
  • Risk management and balanced decision-making within a changing and challenging world. These ‘soft skills’ form the basis of a child’s wider development and experience.
  • The ability to recognize and develop healthy and strong relationships, reinforce positive mental and physical health, understand how their body will change and grow, and develop respect and tolerance for all, and an understanding of society and the role of the individual in a community.
These skills equip our children for life.


The personal and social development of our children is achieved through a partnership between the school and the family. To support your children, you can:
  • Ensure your child knows who their trusted adults are at home (who they can talk to if they are worried).
  • Discuss the issues explored in PSHE education and ask your children about what they have learned at school.
Here are some useful links to support your children with PSHE topics: If you have any questions about the PSHE curriculum or are worried about your child, please speak to their teacher, the PSHE leader and DSL (Mrs Claire Weber). The curriculum is regularly updated, and parents are invited to view resources on a regular basis. If you would like to view the PSHE resources used by the school, please contact Mrs Weber.
Our policy can be found here.

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